Friday, September 26, 2014


      I think that the percentage is down because people could not afford collage in the past I think the numbers will rise fast because there are more scholarships out there. I think that the percentage is low because there were less scholarships back then. Another thing that makes it low is because most people go to a trade school. Have more classes in collages so a different group of kids would go to there school. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014



     I think that he is trying to get other country's to do the same thing we are. I think that some country's will do it and others wont. By what I read he could have done more to persuade other country's. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014



     I think that the new law is good and bad because some places will lose customers. I think the good part about it is that you can go any where and not have to breath smoke

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


     I think that you should have other country's on your side because they have more then one country to watch. I am hoping that they wont fight back but I think they will.

Monday, September 22, 2014



     I think that the voting age shouldn't be lowered I think that it should be changed to twenty one because you are out of school and no more about the country.

Friday, September 19, 2014



     The article tries to put you in the footsteps of ISIS and shows you what they think and have going on. I think that a lot of people don't no much about them they just no what they have herd on the news.



     I think that them striking ISIS first just makes us have to do it to or maybe we should just hold are strikes and see how ISIS takes it maybe they will stop the stuff they are doing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bell Ringer


     I think that the punishment is ok even though some people don't think so. I think in some parts of the us disciplining has changed and others it hasn't.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell Ringer

     I think that ISIS movement near west Virginia shows that they could be anywhere in the us and that they are a bigger threat then most people think. I hope that the government does some more to stop them before something bad happens.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bell Ringer   9/9/14

      No I am not surprised that restaurants are doing this I think that it is a good idea. I think it will get more attention to that restaurant for a wile but not that long.I don't think that it is a health problem because there will only be so many people that get it. If I could get this a restaurant it would be at pizza hut because they have good food.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fred Mayer who lives in west Virginia was a ww2 spy he mows his girlfriends yard and drives the meals on wheels he is 92 years old.In ww2 he led a big spy mission he also was born in Germany.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

BR  9/5/14

I think that the fake towers could be still people personal stuff and  I think they would be close to military bases because they might be there to  record calls close to the base to see if someone is there to attack the base or do something. I also think that the us government is behind the fake cellphone towers.